Mill Creek Wetlands Recreation and Restoration
Client: City of Ontario Planning Department
Location: City of Ontario, CA
- Corps Section 408 Permit
- Regulatory permitting and compliance
- Negotiate permits/approval from agencies
- Corps Outgrant (lease) Agreement
- Multi-jurisdictional agency coordination
The project is in the City of Ontario, within Prado Basin, located upstream of the Prado Dam, which was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The 52-acre constructed wetland is located along the northwest side of Mill Creek as it enters the Prado Basin. The purpose of the project was to enhance recreational opportunities, restore native habitat for both plant and wildlife species, and improve water quality. The wetlands treated stormwater came from a 77-square mile drainage area that includes the Cities of Ontario, Chino, Rancho Cucamonga and Upland.
RVA was hired to facilitate/negotiate the approvals for the Corps’ Section 408 Permit, Section 404 Permit, Outgrant (lease) for Corps land, and approvals for hydrology, hydraulics, reservoir volume storage regulations, structural, environmental) to utilize 42 acres of Federal land and divert water from the USACE constructed Cucamonga Creek into the wetland system. Also, RVA obtained regulatory permits/approvals from the Corps, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and San Bernardino County.
Within 14 months, RVA negotiated and was successful in securing all necessary permits and approvals to allow the project to initiate construction on schedule. The $14-million-dollar project was constructed in 2015 and is exceeding the expected water quality improvements. RVA also worked with the Corps to allow the City to pay for the lease by performing deferred maintenance items for the USACE.