Prado Sewer Improvements
Client: City of Chino
Location: Chino, CA
- Environmental Documentation (CEQA & NEPA)
- Environmental Permit Compliance
- Regulatory Permitting
- Least Bell’s Vireo Critical Habitat Avoidance
- Flood Basin Volume Offset
- Recreation/Trails
The project consisted of installation of sewer pipelines extending approximately 2.4 miles and construction of a new lift station. The sewer pipeline alignments are largely within public street right-of-ways, however, a portion of the pipeline alignment and lift station are located within the Prado Regional Park, a San Bernardino County leasehold of Federal US Army Corps of Engineers property. This portion of the project is also located within a wetland habitat area and designated Critical Habitat for the endangered least Bell’s vireo and utilized subsurface horizontal directional drilling to minimize impacts.
RVA prepared the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and public notices on behalf of the City of Chino as well as the Environmental Assessment and FONSI and notices on behalf of the Corps. RVA also assisted the Corps in consultation with US Fish and Wildlife Service and the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). RVA negotiated a lease agreemnt and construction license through federal lands, and maintenance fencing for the Corps.