San Jacinto River Levee, Stage 4 and River Expansion
Client: City of San Jacinto
Location: San Jacinto, CA
- Environmental Documentation (CEQA)
- Environmental Permit Compliance
- Regulatory Permit
- Agencies’ Negotiations and Approval
- Endangered species and designated Critical Habitat
- Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan
- Multi-jurisdictional agency coordination
- CEQA compliance for construction and maintenance
This project involves construction of a new 100-year flood protection levee, approximately 5 miles in length along the San Jacinto River in the City of San Jacinto and portions of unincorporated Riverside County. The project also includes construction of a floodwall, enhancements to the existing northern levee, excavation under the State Street Bridge and protection of Metropolitan Water District’s (MWD) underground aqueduct pipelines. The new flood control structures and expanded river corridor will be operated and maintained by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District). The proposed project constitutes the expanded implementation of the 1975 Flood Control Master Plan for the Lower San Jacinto River Basin.
The City of San Jacinto served as lead agency, and the District as responsible agency, for preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and consultation and documentation of compliance with the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSCHP). Extensive consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) was completed.
RVA was successful in completing the Final EIR for the City. RVA has also supported the City and the District in preparing grant funding applications for the project. RVA continues to support the City and District to negotiate the final environmental permits/approvals required from the US Army Corps of Engineers (408 & 404), CDFW (1600 Streambed Alteration Agreement), and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (401 Certification).