Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District Indirect Reuse Replenishment
Client: Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District
Location: Monrovia, CA
- Environmental Documentation (CEQA & NEPA)
- Environmental Permit Compliance ▪ Regulatory Permit
- USACE 408 Permit
- Coordination
The Indirect Reuse Replenishment Project (IRRP) is planned by the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District to provide up to 10,000 acrefeet per year of recycled water from the San Jose Creek Water Reclamation Plant to replenish groundwater in the Main San Gabriel Basin. The Project is conceptualized to deliver recycled water for groundwater replenishment to the existing Santa Fe Spreading Grounds. The Project includes a pump station at the SJCWRP and an approximately 9-mile pipeline from the SJCWRP to the SFSG, and new monitoring wells. Additionally, four new groundwater monitoring wells will be installed in the SFSG and surrounding area.
RVA is working closely with the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District performed QC for CEQA/NEPA documents. RVA is leading the approval for a Section 408 Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Los Angeles County Flood Control District to modify the river levee and to construct the pipeline, pump station, and groundwater monitoring wells. Coordination with the multiple divisions within both the Corps and Flood Control District and an understanding of the agency organizations, regulations, and expectations are key to navigating the agencies’ processes to obtain a decision. RVA has in-depth relationships with the two agencies, experience in large projects, and the understanding of the flood control and environmental requirements of both agencies and has successfully completed a number of Section 408 Permit projects gaining approvals from the Flood Control District and Corps.