Upper Santa Ana Wash Habitat Conservation Plan
Client: San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District
Location: Redlands, CA and Highland, CA
- Environmental Documentation (CEQA & NEPA)
- Environmental Permit Compliance
- Public Participation
- Numerous Stakeholders
- Multi-jurisdictional agency coordination
- Endangered Plant and Wildlife Species
The Upper Santa Ana River Wash Habitat Conservation Plan (Wash Plan) area is in southwestern San Bernardino County, approximately one mile downstream of the Seven Oaks Dam. The Wash Plan Area encompasses approximately 4,900 acres, extending approximately 6 miles westward from Greenspot Road in the City of Highland to Alabama Street in the City of Redlands.
The primary goal of the Wash Plan is to balance the ground disturbing activities of water conservation, aggregate mining, recreational activities, and other public services in the area with the conservation of natural communities and populations of special-status plants and wildlife.
A joint EIS/EIR is being prepared by RVA on behalf of the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Palm Springs South Coast Field Office, the US Fish and Wildlife Service Palm Springs Office, and the San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District (Conservation District) for the following actions:
- Exchange BLM and District lands;
- Amend the BLM’s South Coast Resource Management Plan; and
- Authorize incidental take of endangered wildlife and impacts on endangered plants for implementation of the Wash Plan and proposed projects.
Implementation of the Wash Plan will mitigate for impacts to special-status plants and wildlife from projects including, aggregate mining, water conservation, wells and water infrastructure, transportation, flood control, trails, agriculture, maintenance of facilities, and habitat enhancement. Project proponents/stakeholders include Roberson’s Ready Mix, Cemex, the Conservation District, East Valley Water District, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, Cities of Highland and Redlands, and San Bernardino County Flood Control.