City of Yucaipa, Regulatory Permits and Environmental Permits Compliance

RVA Projects

City of Yucaipa, Regulatory Permits and Environmental Permits Compliance

Client: City of Yucaipa

Location: Yucaipa, CA


  • Regulatory Permit and Environmental Permit Compliance
  • Storm water management projects
  • Multi-jurisdictional agency coordination
  • Negotiate permits/approval from regulatory agencies
  • Permittee-responsible mitigation


The City of Yucaipa elevated an “at grade” low water crossing of 13th Street to construct a reinforced concrete box culvert (RCB) at Wilson Creek  in  order  to  reduce  flooding  deficiencies  and  allow  for safe crossing  for  pedestrians and  vehicles during  storm  events.  The  RCB extended  into  the  upstream  and  downstream  portion  of  Wilson Creek  for  a  total  of  380  linear  feet  along  the  existing  channel alignment.  The  projects  channel  improvements  included  concrete invert  linings,  concrete  wing-walls,  and  ungrounted  riprap  channel lining that extended downstream.

The   13th   Street   Project   was   one   of   the   four   flood   control management and road improvement projects for the City of Yucaipa that    RVA    negotiated    a    permittee-responsible    compensatory mitigation  for  four  projects  into  one  Conservation  Easement  (CE), Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Program (HMMP), and Long Term Management  Plan  (LTMP)  for  6.19  acres at the    City’s   El  Dorado Mitigation  Area.  RVA  also  negotiated  the  ability  for  the  City  to construct the projects prior to the final recording of the CE.

RVA  was  successful  in  negotiating  and  obtaining  the  regulatory permits,  recording  the  CE,  implementation  of  the  HMMP  and  LTMP required from the USACE, California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW),   Regional   Water   Quality   Control   Board   (RWQCB),   and Caltrans.